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 Help with morse 

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My morse has fallen by the wayside and I am trying to get up to speed again but I am struggling.
I have decided to look fo one of the MFJ morse readers and senders
Can anyone recommend one or if anyone is selling one please contact me.
Thank you very much.

Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:26 pm

 Help with morse 
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Post Re: Help with morse
Check out Fist CW Club loads information and maybe CW learning on a local frequency to you.


Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:31 pm
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 Help with morse 
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Take a look at


David - G4NVB

Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:18 pm
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 Help with morse 
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Post Re: Help with morse
The problem with Morse readers they don't do a very good job decoding hand sent Morse, they say my hand sent Morse is very clear but a decoder doesn't do well decoding it, I've tried, it's best to use the wet computer.

Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:30 pm
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 Help with morse 
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Post Re: Help with morse
I was in the same position at the beginning of the year.

I tried many programmes, and the one that was successful was this ... n_US&gl=US

I started from the beginning, ie as a beginner, and went through as the programme guided.

I set the session length to 10 minutes, and did just one session a day, no more.

At first I though finding the letters on the screen was slowing me down, but looking back, I think it was probably more of a help than slowing me.

The author is a very nice person, didn't realise it was his programme for a long time, but I had corresponded with him regarding other software a few years back.

Because it works on phones, it is very useful, I normally used it on a table for a bigger screen size, but perfectly usable on a phone as well if out and about.

We all respond differently to different methods of tuition and practice, but this is the only one that has ever worked for me.

Also my Morse reader reads my Morse perfectly, not because my sending is good, but my state-of-the-art reader is the best ever made. You can see the model on the top row on :)

Gee Three Eee Jay Ess - SARL, EPC

Sun Dec 12, 2021 5:27 am
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 Help with morse 
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Post Re: Help with morse
In the 1960s I tried listening to RSGB slow Morse transmissions. I found this utterly unhelpful as being painfully slow there was no rhythm. I don't know if they still do these or whether things have improved.

I found listening to blocks of unrelated characters extremely boring. Listening on air to QSOs is much more fun & rewarding as the brain links a few letters together it is very satisfying as a word forms. It also gets you used to the real world as we don't normally send each blocks of unrelated characters or even large sections of text from a book. So at the same time you pick up procedural rituals & some punctuation.

Do a bit of practice every day. Remembering Morse is a bit like stirring soup. if you don't keep stirring to keep al the characters freely moving they will sink to the bottom of the pot in a confused & congealed sediment! Now I try to have at least one CW QSO a day or if I can't manage that tune in to a live QSO & see what you can pick up bearing in mind Morse sent too slowly can be more difficult to read than Morse with a flow.


G8ADP in 1964 then G4MBS in 1981 for CW on microwaves esp 10GHz tropo/rain scatter. Pottering on 6m - 6mm seeing what can be achieved from down in a valley where any QSO is a triumph of optimism over geography!

Sun Dec 12, 2021 8:46 am
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 Help with morse 
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Post Re: Help with morse
Sangoma wrote:
I was in the same position at the beginning of the year.

I tried many programmes, and the one that was successful was this ... n_US&gl=US

I started from the beginning, ie as a beginner, and went through as the programme guided.

I set the session length to 10 minutes, and did just one session a day, no more.

At first I though finding the letters on the screen was slowing me down, but looking back, I think it was probably more of a help than slowing me.

The author is a very nice person, didn't realise it was his programme for a long time, but I had corresponded with him regarding other software a few years back.

Because it works on phones, it is very useful, I normally used it on a table for a bigger screen size, but perfectly usable on a phone as well if out and about.

We all respond differently to different methods of tuition and practice, but this is the only one that has ever worked for me.

Also my Morse reader reads my Morse perfectly, not because my sending is good, but my state-of-the-art reader is the best ever made. You can see the model on the top row on :)

Following on from the previous post about slow Morse having no rhythm, I set the speed to 20wpm. (15 is too slow). I only try and send at 12 wpm.
The program is individual random (within the group you have learnt) and not "real" QSOs, but for me it worked, and it keeps score :)

Gee Three Eee Jay Ess - SARL, EPC

Sun Dec 12, 2021 9:29 am
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 Help with morse 
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Post Re: Help with morse
When getting up to speed with CW, I found was a great online resource, no need to download any programmes and there are plenty of different exercises and you can separately vary the speed and also the spacing to suit.

Mon Dec 13, 2021 5:49 pm
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 Help with morse 
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Post Re: Help with morse
I find using cw on the bands to be the best practice for Myself, others may find that difficult.
try as many different methods as you can to fnd what suits best...

Its not the class of licence the amateur holds thats important but the class of bias the prat applies to his amplifier

Mon Dec 13, 2021 8:37 pm
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