I was in the same position at the beginning of the year.
I tried many programmes, and the one that was successful was this
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... n_US&gl=USI started from the beginning, ie as a beginner, and went through as the programme guided.
I set the session length to 10 minutes, and did just one session a day, no more.
At first I though finding the letters on the screen was slowing me down, but looking back, I think it was probably more of a help than slowing me.
The author is a very nice person, didn't realise it was his programme for a long time, but I had corresponded with him regarding other software a few years back.
Because it works on phones, it is very useful, I normally used it on a table for a bigger screen size, but perfectly usable on a phone as well if out and about.
We all respond differently to different methods of tuition and practice, but this is the only one that has ever worked for me.
Also my Morse reader reads my Morse perfectly, not because my sending is good, but my state-of-the-art reader is the best ever made. You can see the model on the top row on QRZ.com